Article Writing on WordPress Dashboard

When you write on WordPress Dashboard do not forget to click Save Draft otherwise you may lose your work due to any problems.


  1. USE Main Keyword First
  2. Use Focus Keywords in Sub-Headings too (H2, H3, H4, ..)

Title and Sub-headings

  1. Title Decide ( Search term or keyword in google see top 10 result)
  2. Title Tag (Decide Search Result) Meta Description (Search and Keywords) Keep in GreenZone (EDIT Snippet)
  3. Try to keep main keyword in sub headings too smartly
  4. Conclusion (include keyword Smartly)


  1. Paragraph should be 1- 2-3 sentence only
  2. Break if more than 3 sentence
  3. Check Complete Article


  1. Keep in English lower case (use main keywords)
  2. Main Keyword
  3.  No  Faltu words ( How to, to, …)
  4. Copy keyword > Setting > Permalink > Url  Slug 


Always choose Relevant Category


4-5,  Always Use Related Keyword and Category Type (Copy and Paste, Separated with Commas)


  1. Internal Link

Use same category links only.

  1. External Link (Other Websites Links) AUTHORITY wEBSITE
  1. DoFollow (Google Crawler, follow this link so always link to High Value website link)
  1. No Follow (Google Crawler do not follow this link, that`s why known as Low Value Link)


Design Picture and Download, use then resize that image according to the below guidelines. Again rename that image and use ALT tag when uploading. 

  1. (size:1200 x 628)
  2. Use Other related stock image download, resize, rename, uplaod and use Alt tag. (copyright free)

Copyright free images website links.

  1. Size of image 1280 x 854 (medium, always horizontal)

Reduce size of image to 20 to 30 kb approx maximum 

Here is website links that can be used to reduce sizes

  1. ReName of Image Before Upload ( According  to Keyword and Heading Where image is being Upload)
  2. Must Add ALT Tag ( Keyword or Headings)

Setting > Image Select karo > Block > ALT Tag

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